Your Divorce options in St. Louis, Jefferson County, and Franklin County, Missouri include:
Divorce is tough when you and your spouse don't agree on the way things should be handled. I work hard to smooth out the entire process and make sure your best interests are fairly represented.
I've developed a program for couples desiring to save substantial money utilizing a non-contested divorce.
People fight about their children more than anything else. You need a lawyer who understands what your judge usually does give the circumstances of your case. Yes, judges are different. I have the experience and knowledge to guide and advise you.
The court retains jurisdiction over custody and support. As children age, it can be necessary to modify (change) your parenting plan and custody time. Often this involves a change in child support as well. If your original parenting plan was entered when your children were pretty young, you'll probably need to modify your parenting plan at some point. Modifications can go smoothly, but more often than not, they don't. Get the experienced advice you need to decide whether a modification is going to be worth the effort.
If you want a skilled, hardworking and compassionate litigator on your side then you want to work with me. He will be available when you need to discuss your divorce.
Call or email me now to speak with a divorce attorney in St. Louis. You'll be contacted within 24 hours. I strive to be a top St. Louis Divorce Attorney.
Separation, paternity and divorce situations can easily get clouded by emotions, especially when children are involved. I am an experienced domestic relations lawyer who can provide an outside independent objective perspective to ensure guide you through one of the most difficult times of your life. I handle contested and uncontested cases and are always available to answer our phone when you have questions. Contact me when you need a St. Louis divorce attorney. I also serve Franklin County, Jefferson County, South County, and West County.
There are two types of divorces: contested and uncontested. I have developed a program for couples desiring to save substantial money utilizing a non-contested divorce. If there are no children involved, divorce is nothing more than the division of a couple's assets and debts. Uncontested divorces are for people who can and are communicating, cooperating and can come to an agreement regarding the division of their assets and debts. This can become complicated if there are inherited assets or assets owned before the marriage. I will explain and help my client understand inherited and pre-marital assets that may or may not be part of the marital estate.
Lawyers can only represent one of the spouses, not both. However, working with one spouse, we prepare documents that memorialized the agreement and understanding reached by the couple. The unrepresented spouse can always hire a lawyer, if desired, to review the settlement documents.
It is my job to determine the assets and debts of the marital estate. Missouri law, 452.330 states that everything acquired during the marriage is presumed to be marital and then lists exceptions to the general rule. I will provide court required Property Statement forms for you to fill out identifying all of your assets and debts. For uncontested divorces, the husband and wife usually fill the Property Statement forms out together so they are identical. In other words, so all assets and debts are disclosed.
With this information, I ask questions to determine how and when assets and debt were acquired. The client tells me the terms of the agreement and I prepare all of the documents necessary to accomplish the agreement and conclude the divorce. In most counties, I don't even have to go to court to get you divorced.
If children are involved, a parenting plan is required identifying when each parent will have the children. You can fill out a parenting plan online with your spouse or we can prepare one based on the information you provide.
Child support calculations are also required. You will provide us with last year's tax returns and the most recent pay stub. With that information, we can prepare a Form 14, presumed correct child support amount. This does not prevent the couple from agreeing to a different, or no support.
Uncontested divorces are strongly encouraged and with our advice and guidance, we can help our clients get divorced by agreement saving thousands of dollars, compared to a contested divorce.
Non-contested divorces are not for everyone and sometimes become contested. Our fee starts at $750.00 and goes up to $1,200.00 depending on the nature of each couple's circumstances. Our fee to start a contested divorce starts at $2,000.00 and higher, again, depending on the circumstances, and usually winds up costing much more. You can see that working towards an amicable resolution is the way to go. Dividing up your assets and debts isn't that difficult in most cases. Fairness isn't known only to lawyers. Do yourself a favor and look into a non-contested divorce with the Doskocil Law Firm. I can help you in St. Louis, Jefferson, Franklin and St. Charles County.
Whether you're dealing with a divorce or filing for a change to your child custody arrangement, you can count on the Doskocil Law Firm for capable representation.
Do you want to fully understand your legal options? Call 314-920-2634 to schedule a consultation with one of the best Divorce Attorneys in St. Louis
When you call me for legal advice, we can explain everything by phone or email. I'll make sure you have all the necessary documents and schedule a consultation about your case. You want an experienced family law attorney on your side in cases that involve:
Child custody
Child support
Equitable distribution of assets
Pre-nuptial agreements
My goal is to assist you in reaching a satisfactory agreement. People argue over their children more than anything else. They will spend every dollar they have and every dime they can borrow to win that battle. Women do not have quite the advantage as in the old days. Jefferson County starts with equal custody time in most cases. St. Louis County is not quite there yet. If both parents are capable and live geographically close, 50-50 custody can work. I think the best interests of children are served when the custody time is equal, or pretty darn close. Sometimes that isn't possible due to frequent travel for work, early start time or third shift. I think outside of the box when necessary to accomplish what is best for your children.
Do you want to fully understand your legal options? Call 314-920-2634 to schedule a consultation.